The queen through my eyes, the one who ages like fine wine, has trained me to have all of her OCD tendencies, tries to teach me to go with the flow of life, has taught me how to live with a balance of health, wellness + fun & so much more...
She loves fitness, fashion, her friends & fur-babies too.
She drinks coffee in the mornings + wine in the evenings [lots of water in between DUH] with a good book or a movie to unwind at night.
Oh & it is said that I happen to look just like this beautiful woman too!
Who might this be you ask??
Momma Mar of course, my best friend & biggest [inspiration] in life. Moving our bodies was what she encouraged us to do in our free time ever since I can remember.
As a little girl I can recall that our weekends were full of activities with mom! We would go to the pool or the lake frequently, sometimes after school, a trip to grandmas became riding our bikes into town or other days it was a long walk at the Carlyle Dam. On occasion we would rollerblade or kayak too.
I remember, after dropping us kids off at school, she would go to a workout class at the local gym or train with a personal trainer before work. There was rarely a day she missed her workout. At the time, I don't think that I appreciated her hard work to keep her mind + body healthy, not only for herself but for us kids / her family too. I can't leave out that when we got home after school, she was always prepping a healthy dinner full of proteins & veggies.
Still to this day she is frequently meeting up with friends for a bike ride, kayaking or a walk, sometimes even water aerobics at my parents' house. The best days are when she drives to Edwardsville for us to do a workout; it's a nice change of scenery. Oh & now I get to be her personal trainer! I cannot pretend that I would be on the path that I am in my career, if it were not for this inspiring woman! Little did I know that she was helping my subconscious mind grow & learn & form good habits this whole time. I am able to continue to grow even more in these aspects because she started helping me develop these health & wellness habits at such a young age!
"Walk as if you have a string on top of your head, like a puppet."
Cuing me from a young age, I have her to credit for my [decent] posture. Let's be honest, we are all human & we will never have perfect posture but trying to stand taller on occasion is better than never acknowledging our slouches & then turning into humpbacks.
From our weekly workouts to our wine nights & everything in between this lady has given me so much more than what can be seen by the average eye.
I am forever thankful for my strong, confident, consistent, adventurous + fun-loving mom! She has helped & continues to help me be fierce, strong-willed, creative, hardworking, dream achieving, fit[ish], nutritious, intentional & to be fashionable while doing it all! She is my biggest fan & well I am hers too!
your favorite daughter LIV